Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

Ripe for Revival is committed to being a light in the world, reflecting the love and truth of Jesus Christ through our actions, programs, and initiatives. As an organization, we are grounded in Christian biblical principles and seek to maintain these truths as the foundation of our mission. 

This Statement of Faith is established to protect the integrity and direction of Ripe for Revival, ensuring that our values remain unwavering over time through changes in leadership and other external influences.

Our guiding verse that reflects our name, purpose, and vision is 2 Corinthians 5:17.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!”

Much like believers gain a new heart when they accept Christ as their savior, we believe that there will be a day where All Things Are Made New with the return of Jesus.   Until that day, we are called to be ambassadors, making Gods appeal through the way we represent him and live our lives.

Ripe for Revival operates as the ministry and missional arm of Ripe Inc. (Ripe Revival), utilizing its name, brand, and likeness under a licensing agreement that affirms shared values and principles. While Ripe for Revival operates independently in fulfilling its faith-based mission, it remains closely aligned with the broader purpose of Ripe Inc. to bridge gaps in food systems and revive communities. This Statement of Faith serves as the foundation for Ripe for Revival’s work, ensuring alignment with the brand and values of Ripe Inc. without compromising the unique roles and responsibilities of each entity.

Ripe For Revival operates as the hands and feet working alongside partners and neighbors to impact lives in communities across North Carolina and beyond. 

All activities, partnerships, and collaborations undertaken by Ripe For Revival will be evaluated and conducted in alignment with this Statement of Faith and its core values.  These truths and commitments outline a firm foundation that Ripe For Revival will operate under and live by: 

1.           Scripture:

We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3:1617). It is the ultimate guide for our faith, conduct, and the governance of Ripe for Revival.

2.           God:

We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things and is actively involved in His creation.

3.           Jesus Christ:

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory (John 1:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Acts 1:911).

4.           Salvation:

We believe that salvation is a gift of God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). It is not achieved by human effort but is received through faith in Christ alone, and through repentance and the belief that sin debt was paid by Jesus Sacrifice on the cross.  (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10).

5.           Holy Spirit:

We believe in the present and active ministry of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in believers and empowers them to live godly lives (John 14:16-17, Galatians 5:22-23).

6.           The Church:

We believe in the universal church, the body of Christ, consisting of all believers (Ephesians 4:4-6). We are committed to the local expression of this church, engaging in worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission.  We strive to be an organization that connects churches are part of the big church.  

7.           Christian Conduct:

We believe that Christians are called to live according to the teachings of Jesus, demonstrating love, integrity, and compassion in all aspects of life (Matthew 5:16, Colossians 3:12-17).

8.           The Great Commission:

We believe in the mandate to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Ripe for Revival exists to embody this mission through our work and interactions.

9.           Social Responsibility:

We believe in the biblical call to serve others, primarily through food, for all populations especially the disadvantaged.  (James 1:27, Matthew 25:35-40).   Through Ripe for Revival, we believe it is the ethical obligation and duty to act for the benefit of society as a whole with the goal of improving lives of individuals and communities by spreading TRUTH’s outlined in this Statement of Faith.

Purpose and Vision

10.        Purpose:

Our purpose is “Reviving Communities Through Food.” We use food as the vessel to meet the material need so that we can build intentional relationships built on trust that then allow us to meet the greater need.

11.        Greater Need:

The greater need being brokenness (sin) and being apart from God, the only one who can heal, sustain, and redeem us. Our nonprofit work is first and foremost rooted in how our programs will “meet the greater need” by partnering with local churches, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals while presenting the gospel in every interaction that are able. 


12.        Vision:

Our vision is “A world free from brokenness where farms thrive, businesses flourish, and neighbors unite to meet the needs of their community.”

13.        Program Evolution:

Our programs will evolve over time into education and development, all with the intent to meet needs in biblically grounded approaches to serving people in ways that lift them up and do not keep them in bondage.  

Commitment to Integrity

14.        Values and Funding:

We commit to upholding our values and will not compromise our principles for financial support that would hinder our ability to share truth or align with our mission.

15.          Strategic Partnerships: 

We will ensure that any partnership or collaboration aligns with our mission and values. Ripe for Revival will establish a process for reviewing partnerships to protect our integrity and ensure that any written agreements or memoranda of understanding safeguard our mission and core beliefs.

16.        Empowerment and Accountability: 

We believe in fostering individual responsibility and dignity through empowerment. Our programs are designed to encourage personal growth, accountability, and self-sufficiency, with the goal of helping individuals rise above circumstances through their own initiative and effort.  We believe in empowering individuals to take ownership of their livelihoods and to work together to build strong, vibrant, and resilient communities.

17.        Independence and Freedom:

We value independence and freedom, and our efforts are aimed at fostering self-reliance and reducing dependence on external aid.  Ripe for Revival seeks to promote freedom from reliance on systems of control. 

18.          Board of Directors and Executive Leadership:

All board of directors and executive leaders have read Ripe For Revivals Statement of Faith and agree to uphold its standards and principles through their involvement, direction, and participation as key individuals within the organization.    

19.   Non-Discrimination:

Our organization will not discriminate against those who do not share our core values, but we do reserve the right to ensure that our values are preserved forever by setting boundaries and guidelines for how the organization is governed.


As we continue to grow and navigate the ever-changing landscape of societal and community needs, this Statement of Faith will serve as the unwavering foundation for everything we do at Ripe Revival. It is more than a doctrinal declaration; it is the compass that guides our decisions, partnerships, and day-to-day activities, ensuring that we remain faithful to the truths of Scripture.

Ripe Revival exists not only as a business but as a nonprofit ministry committed to Reviving Communities Through Food. We recognize the vital role that food plays in addressing material needs, but we are equally committed to addressing the spiritual and emotional needs of individuals and families. Our mission extends beyond the transactional to the transformational. We believe in empowering people, not just providing for them, and in fostering communities that thrive, not merely survive.